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RAG request

Basic RAG request with the Inbound IDE and the SDK.

Inbound IDE​

  1. Open the Rawen app.
  2. Route to "Settings" and the "Commands" tab and hit the "Add" button
  3. Add a new Action and select "LLM-Doc-Request"
  4. Add a new Action and select "LLm-Request"
  5. Adjust the Prompt (image)
  6. Save and hit the "Debug" button


  1. Clone the Command Maker repository from here
  2. Open project and paste in the same code as above into the index.ts.
const docs = await callKnowledge("What?", {
type: "OPENAI"
const response = await callRag("What?", {
type: "OPENAI"
await addResult(response);
  1. Run the project by typing npm run start in the terminal.